Tuesday, 29 October 2019

For all current competitions and ranking updates please visit the Orkney Pool Association page on Facebook

Friday, 25 October 2019

Flooers Orkney Pool League 19/20 Week 3 Round Up

Week 3
Skippers 13 Stones 2 11
Graham Bell 4 Steven Walls  3
Leslie Drever 2 John Norquoy 2
Neil Drever 2 Nicol Holland 2
Magnus Drever 2 Scott Sinclair  2
Colin Reid 2 Steven Craigie 2
Stewart Brown 1
OGC 11 Pomona 2 13
Ryan Gillespie 4 Garry Stevenson 3
Ray O'Neil 3 Brendan Spence 3
Martin Gillespie 2 Sean Shearer 3
David Fitzpatrick 1 Adam Harcus 3
Michael Brown 1 Steven Aim 1
The Slugs 19 Commodore 5
Steven Tulloch 4 Ross Corse 2
David Campbell 4 Michael Halleran 1
Malcolm Scott 3 Alan Tait 1
Robert Budge 3 Michael Kemp 1
Leonard Mowat 3
Alan Stevenson 2
Pomona 1 6 Rugby Club 18
DJ Peace 2 Steven Groat 4
Joseph Mowatt 2 Robert Thomson 4
Sean Thomson 1 Derek Nicolson 3
James Dunnett 1 Scott Rendall 3
Harry Hutchinson 3
Joe Whitelegg 1
Stones 1 18 Rohallion 6
Neil Cormack 4 Colin Seator 3
Brian Corsie 4 John Rodger 2
Erlend Grieve 3 Jon Mcleod 1
Damien Sutherland 3
Joe Moar 3
Darren Tait 1
Team Played Win Draw Lost Frames For Frames Against Frame DIF Points
The Slugs 3 3 0 0 46 26 20 9
Stones 1 2 2 0 0 36 12 24 6
Sands 2 2 0 0 33 15 18 6
Pomona 2 3 2 0 1 43 29 14 6
Skippers 2 2 0 0 27 21 6 6
Stones 2 3 1 0 2 39 33 6 3
Rugby Club 2 1 0 1 23 25 -2 3
Commodore 3 1 0 2 34 38 -4 3
OGC 3 0 0 3 28 44 -16 0
Rohallion 2 0 0 2 16 32 -16 0
Pomona 3 0 0 3 11 61 -50 0

Ranking Name Team Played Won Win %
1 Steven Tulloch The Slugs 12 10 83.3%
2 Leonard Mowatt The Slugs 12 9 75.0%
3 Sean Shearer Pomona 2 12 9 75.0%
4 Adam Harcus Pomona 2 12 9 75.0%
5 David Mackenzie Sands 8 8 100.0%
6 John Norquoy Stones 2 12 8 66.7%
7 Steven Craigie Stones 2 12 8 66.7%
8 Neil Cormack Stones 1 8 7 87.5%
9 Gordon Wylie Sands 8 7 87.5%
10 Brian Garson Pomona 2 8 7 87.5%
11 Garry Stevenson Pomona 2 8 7 87.5%
12 Martin Gillespie OGC 12 7 58.3%
13 Ryan Gillespie OGC 12 7 58.3%
14 Alan Stevenson The Slugs 12 7 58.3%
15 Michael Kemp Commodore 12 7 58.3%
16 David Campbell The Slugs 12 7 58.3%
17 Steven Walls Stones 2 12 7 58.3%
18 Damien Sutherland Stones 1 8 6 75.0%
19 Garry Sutherland Sands 8 6 75.0%
20 Leslie Drever Skippers 8 6 75.0%
21 Scott Sinclair Stones 2 8 6 75.0%
22 Erlend Grieve Stones 1 8 6 75.0%
23 Joe Moar Stones 1 8 6 75.0%
24 John Rodger Rohallion 8 6 75.0%
25 Malcolm Scott The Slugs 12 6 50.0%
26 Brendan Spence Pomona 2 12 6 50.0%
27 Alex Dewar Sands 8 5 62.5%
28 Robert Gatt Sands 8 5 62.5%
29 Graham Bell Skippers 8 5 62.5%
30 Magnus Drever Skippers 8 5 62.5%
31 Steven Tait Commodore 8 5 62.5%
32 Michael Halleran Commodore 8 5 62.5%
33 Liam Harcus Stones 2 12 5 41.7%
34 Calum Corse Commodore 12 5 41.7%
35 Brian Corsie Stones 1 4 4 100.0%
36 Thorfinn Tait Commodore 4 4 100.0%
37 Steven Groat Rugby Club 4 4 100.0%
38 Darren Tait Stones 1 8 4 50.0%
39 Robert Thomson Rugby Club 8 4 50.0%
40 Scott Rendall Rugby Club 8 4 50.0%
41 Robert Budge The Slugs 8 4 50.0%
42 Colin Seator Rohallion 8 4 50.0%
43 David Fitzpatrick OGC 12 4 33.3%
44 Ewan White Commodore 12 4 33.3%
45 James Dunnett Pomona 2 12 4 33.3%
46 Paul Robertson Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
47 Darren Sutherland Skippers 4 3 75.0%
48 Harry Hutchinson Rugby Club 4 3 75.0%
49 Ray O'Neil OGC 4 3 75.0%
50 Kyran Taylor The Slugs 4 3 75.0%
51 Colin Reid Skippers 8 3 37.5%
52 Euan Brown Rohallion 8 3 37.5%
53 Ross Corse Commodore 8 3 37.5%
54 Stewart Brown Skippers 8 3 37.5%
55 Derek Nicholson Rugby Club 8 3 37.5%
56 Nicol Holland Stones 2 8 3 37.5%
57 Michael Brown OGC 12 3 25.0%
58 Steven Aim Pomona 2 12 3 25.0%
59 Neil Drever Skippers 4 2 50.0%
60 Garry Coltherd Rugby Club 4 2 50.0%
61 Daniel Henry Stones 2 4 2 50.0%
62 Joseph Mowat Pomona 4 2 50.0%
63 Julie Garriock Sands 8 2 25.0%
64 Keith Shearer Pomona 2 8 2 25.0%
65 DJ Peace Pomona 12 2 16.7%
66 Lena-Alice Thomson Pomona 4 1 25.0%
67 Kyle Robb Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
68 Gordon Gibson Pomona 4 1 25.0%
69 Sean McGinley OGC 4 1 25.0%
70 Ryan Williams OGC 4 1 25.0%
71 Malcolm Coghill OGC 4 1 25.0%
72 Daniel Adams Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
73 Jon McLeod Rohallion 4 1 25.0%
74 Joe Whitelegg Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
75 George Brown Rohallion 6 1 16.7%
76 Sean Chalmers Rohallion 8 1 12.5%
77 Steven Roy OGC 8 1 12.5%
78 Alan Tait Commodore 8 1 12.5%
79 Sean Thompson Pomona 12 1 8.3%
80 William Sabiston Pomona 12 0 0.0%
81 Ryan Newlands Pomona 8 0 0.0%
82 Brian Inkster Stones 2 4 0 0.0%
83 Jason Cook Rohallion 4 0 0.0%
84 Ewen Harrison Pomona 4 0 0.0%
85 Karen Brown Rohallion 2 0 0.0%

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Flooers Orkney Pool League 19/20 Week 2 Round Up

Week 2
Rohallion 10 Sands 14
John Rodger 4 David Mackenzie 4
Euan Brown 3 Garry Sutherland 3
Colin Seator 1 Gordon Wylie 3
Sean Chalmers 1 Robert Gatt 2
George Brown 1 Alex Dewar 2
Rugby Club  0 Stones 1 0
Commodore 23 Pomona 1 1
Calum Corse 4 Gordon Gibson 1
Ewan White 4
Thorfinn Tait 4
Michael Halleran 4
Michael Kemp 4
Steven Tait 3
Pomona 2 10 The Slugs 14
Brian Garson 3 Steven Tulloch 3
Adam Harcus 2 Kyran Taylor 3
Sean Shearer 2 Leonard Mowatt 3
Keith Shearer 2 David Cambell 2
Steven Aim 1 Malcolm Scott 2
Alan Stevenson 1
Stones 2 17 OGC 7
Scott Sinclair 4 Martin Gillespie 2
Liam Harcus 3 Ryan Gillespie 2
Steven Craigie 3 Steven Roy 1
John Norquoy 3 David Fitzpatrick 1
Daniel Henry 2 Steven Roy 1
Steven Walls 2

Team Played Win Draw Lost Frames For Frames Against Frame DIF Points
Sands 2 2 0 0 33 15 18 6
The Slugs 2 2 0 0 27 21 6 6
Pomona 2 2 1 0 1 30 18 12 3
Stones 1 1 1 0 0 18 6 12 3
Commodore 2 1 0 1 29 19 10 3
Stones 2 2 1 0 1 28 20 8 3
Skippers 1 1 0 0 14 10 4 3
Rohallion 1 0 0 1 10 14 -4 0
OGC 2 0 0 2 17 31 -14 0
Rugby Club 1 0 0 1 5 19 -14 0
Pomona 2 0 0 2 5 43 -38 0

Ranking Name Team Played Won Win %
1 David Mackenzie Sands 8 8 100.0%
2 Gordon Wylie Sands 8 7 87.5%
3 Brian Garson Pomona 2 8 7 87.5%
4 John Norquoy Stones 2 8 6 75.0%
5 Garry Sutherland Sands 8 6 75.0%
6 Steven Craigie Stones 2 8 6 75.0%
7 Leonard Mowatt The Slugs 8 6 75.0%
8 Steven Tulloch The Slugs 8 6 75.0%
9 Michael Kemp Commodore 8 6 75.0%
10 Sean Shearer Pomona 2 8 6 75.0%
11 Adam Harcus Pomona 2 8 6 75.0%
12 Alex Dewar Sands 8 5 62.5%
13 Robert Gatt Sands 8 5 62.5%
14 Liam Harcus Stones 2 8 5 62.5%
15 Martin Gillespie OGC 8 5 62.5%
16 Calum Corse Commodore 8 5 62.5%
17 Steven Tait Commodore 8 5 62.5%
18 Alan Stevenson The Slugs 8 5 62.5%
19 Leslie Drever Skippers 4 4 100.0%
20 Thorfinn Tait Commodore 4 4 100.0%
21 Scott Sinclair Stones 2 4 4 100.0%
22 Michael Halleran Commodore 4 4 100.0%
23 Garry Stevenson Pomona 2 4 4 100.0%
24 John Rodger Rohallion 4 4 100.0%
25 Ewan White Commodore 8 4 50.0%
26 Steven Walls Stones 2 8 4 50.0%
27 Neil Cormack Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
28 Darren Tait Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
29 Paul Robertson Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
30 Damien Sutherland Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
31 Magnus Drever Skippers 4 3 75.0%
32 Darren Sutherland Skippers 4 3 75.0%
33 Euan Brown Rohallion 4 3 75.0%
34 Kyran Taylor The Slugs 4 3 75.0%
35 Erlend Grieve Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
36 Joe Moar Stones 1 4 3 75.0%
37 Ryan Gillespie OGC 8 3 37.5%
38 Malcolm Scott The Slugs 8 3 37.5%
39 David Fitzpatrick OGC 8 3 37.5%
40 David Campbell The Slugs 8 3 37.5%
41 Brendan Spence Pomona 2 8 3 37.5%
42 James Dunnett Pomona 8 3 37.5%
43 Gary Coltherd Rugby Club 4 2 50.0%
44 Stewart Brown Skippers 4 2 50.0%
45 Daniel Henry Stones 2 4 2 50.0%
46 Keith Shearer Pomona 2 4 2 50.0%
47 Julie Garriock Sands 8 2 25.0%
48 Michael Brown OGC 8 2 25.0%
49 Steven Aim Pomona 2 8 2 25.0%
50 Colin Reid Skippers 4 1 25.0%
51 Graham Bell Skippers 4 1 25.0%
52 Scott Rendall Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
53 George Brown Rohallion 4 1 25.0%
54 Robert Budge The Slugs 4 1 25.0%
55 Ross Corse Commodore 4 1 25.0%
56 Colin Seator Rohallion 4 1 25.0%
57 Sean Chalmers Rohallion 4 1 25.0%
58 Lena-Alice Thomson Pomona 4 1 25.0%
59 Steven Roy OGC 4 1 25.0%
60 Kyle Robb Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
61 Gordon Gibson Pomona 4 1 25.0%
62 Sean Mcginley OGC 4 1 25.0%
63 Ryan Williams OGC 4 1 25.0%
64 Nicol Holland Stones 2 4 1 25.0%
65 Malcolm Coghill OGC 4 1 25.0%
66 Daniel Adams Rugby Club 4 1 25.0%
67 DJ Peace Pomona 8 0 0.0%
68 William Sabiston Pomona 8 0 0.0%
69 Sean Thomson Pomona 8 0 0.0%
70 Brian Inkster Stones 2 4 0 0.0%
71 Ryan Newlands Pomona 4 0 0.0%
72 Robert Thomson Rugby Club 4 0 0.0%
73 Jason Cook Rohallion 4 0 0.0%
74 Ewen Harrison Pomona 4 0 0.0%
75 Derek Nicholson Rugby Club 4 0 0.0%
76 Alan Tait Commodore 4 0 0.0%